This article only shows that MAGAnomics has no idea how America became a great nation or how economics and governance actually work.
America grew because it had abundant natural resources to exploit on a virgin continent. That's all gone now. America grew again after World War II when they were the last nation intact and capable of issuing loans to their allies. We are no longer in that position, and nations like China are now challenging the US on that superiority. America grew this century due to nearly unlimited access to oil. That, too, is ending. Not only are we reaching Peak Oil (per BP), but the fracking and shale faces diminishing ROEI undercut further by renewable energy uptake. That party is over, too.
Manufacturing would be a great way for America to recover, but the next Industrial Revolution will be 100% green and based on climate change adaptation and resiliency. America missed the last boat, giving China dominance on solar and wind manufacturing. It missed the next boat by building petrol cars and imposing tariffs while China supplies electric cars to the world. It will miss the next boat as well because it remains obsessed with oil and in denial of climate change.
As for freedom and personal responsibility - they are the reason we have so many regulations and government involvement after 250 years. Individuals tend toward personal irresponsibility and abuse of the commons.
Government and taxes exist for a reason, as we can see from one more thing that made America great - infrastructure - roads and bridges and ports all paid for by Federal tax programs. That infrastructure is now past its useful life, so I'd love to hear how MAGAnomics will build, or survive without, the nation's lifeblood on low rates of taxation.
They say ignorance is bliss, but ignorance also votes. That's the only thing you need to know to understand MAGAnomics.