Planting a Stealth Survival Garden

Ronan Cray
6 min readFeb 25, 2024

To avoid others eating your food, grow what they can’t see.

Image by Skitterphoto on Pixabay

You’ve had this nightmare before

You spent the last few years growing a survival garden for your own comfort while your neighbors laughed at you. As the supply chains fail and famine sets in, your friendly neighbors are attracted to the juicy red tomatoes and vines of cucumbers and climbing peas. Any night now, they’ll scale the fence and leave you with nothing. What could you have done to avoid this?

The invisible garden

A common mistake preppers make is to grow gardens with the vegetables you see in the supermarket, the vegetables we’re all used to eating. They’re the vegetables your neighbors are used to eating, too.

Those are great when times are good, but they’re not the most nutrititious plants for survival. In fact, unless your seeds came from heritage stock, they’re far less nutritious than you think. That’s because they were genetically selected for yield — not survival.

Luckily, you can solve both of these problems by thinking less like a consumer and more like Mother Nature.

Grow weeds

Yes. Weeds. Specifically, a weed called Purslane. Ounce for ounce, purslane is one of the most nutrient dense of…



Ronan Cray

Ronan Cray moved away from New York City to live in New Zealand. Author of horror novels Red Sand and Dust Eaters, he finds non-fiction more terrifying.