I think America needs to come to grips with the anger entirely. I was so angry when I lived in New York I could feel it eating away at me, but it was anger of the liberal bent. I think that's the side we miss when we talk about angry white men. There are so many angry white women shouting in the sphere of feminism, so many angry black people that whole movements are dedicated to it. How many angry people does it take before we realize it's a COMMON problem, one we all share. Because it isn't the whiteness or the maleness or conservatism or the sex. It's the society we all live in - one without health care, one with a punitive legal system, one with frivolous lawsuits and corrupt insurance companies and endless wars creating endless external threats and the now endless tirades about one group or another. No one is safe! That's where the anger comes from. And as a result, no one has the willpower or energy left over to make each other feel safe either.