And what will this achieve? It will give consultants hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide estimated (estimated!) emissions for Scope 3 which is completely beyond the control of the companies involved. Will it stop emissions? No. Will it remove fossil fuels, the source of most emissions? No. Will it empower companies to make change? Maybe - through a chicken-and-egg scenario where they ask for less emissions and maybe get it. But less is not a replacement.
In other words, all that money being spent on reports and consultants - none of it going to green tech.
A better bill would be one in which the companies are allowed to invoice their power providers for money spent on compliance. If Company A spends $100k on tracking emissions, it should be allowed to backcharge all of the actual emitters on that supply chain. Can you do that? Because then it would make a difference. Imagine how quick change happens when every fossil fuel company along the supply chain is getting an invoice from anyone they sold to, asking for money back.